Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Rough Start

So I was totally excited to start blogging and there is still a lot I need to do to get it where I want it to be. For starters, posting more! Yea, this non-scheduled cold/fever decided to interrupt my schedule this week completely throwing me off my game. I didn't even go to work today and as you get to know me that NEVER happens (as much as I wish it did). I have a final due tomorrow and 2 late assignments that I am going to attempt to work on, but honestly I could just roll over and go back to sleep. It's what I've been doing all day anyways. Will do better by the weekend.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

I finally did it!

I have joined the blogging world! It has been something on my mind seriously for several weeks now. The idea initially came to me as a group blog with my girls, but the timing for that clearly isn't now. I do hope we do it one day because I think we would be awesome at it! Anyways, I guess what really sparked the group blog idea was my recent engagement. Oh yea! {insert happy dance} Plus, my best friend just got an awesome new job, a step up in her career, and my other bestie is in a new relationship while trying to make her mark in this world. 3 fab in our own way, not so recent grads, but still considered young alums, coming together to blog about life transitions and more? How fun does that sound? (Can you tell I can't let it go?)

I figured I would lose the itch to blog once the other 2 weren't as enthusiastic about it, but I didn't, so here I am. I really don't need to add another thing to my plate, school, work, now a wedding, out of state move (hopefully), everyday life, oh and the future hubby (he's a BIG portion of my metaphoric plate), but the Sag in me is like what the heck, go for it! It will be interesting how this all works out, but if you stick around for the long haul this could  be kinda fun...I should probably add corny to my "This is Me" description.