Saturday, November 23, 2013

Coming Soon...

Has it really been this long?!?!? Wow! Well I can consider myself the worst blogger out there (for now). I think all my research on blogging was right. You have to really be dedicated to it to make it last and grow. Such is the life of this Sag, coming up with ideas and moving on to the next before it comes to fruition. I really still want to make this idea happen, I see its potential, but I really shouldn't put my blame on my Sag personality, but my school personality and my most recent gig, PLAIN TIRED! I will figure this out because I am determined and excited about this idea. In it for a the long hall, the blog, coming soon....

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The beginning of the end

I work at a dance studio as an Office Manager. I have been there since September 2008 and I have loved my job! I started dancing at 2 and 9 months and still take classes. I do wish I did more towards my dancing, but I also wouldn't trade my alma mater, La Salle University, and I do enjoy the business world. So getting this position was the best of both worlds. When hired the schedule was/is evenings and Saturdays. 5 years of working Saturdays!! And today was my last Saturday! YAY! I am down to a 4 day work week. The decision to do that is a post in itself {transitioning to wifey and learning to trust your future hubby}. Why is this the beginning of the end? Well this is going to be my last season at my job. My fiancé and I are moving back to the northeast *insert happy dance* come July 2014. It's crazy because this is like the first step towards finishing this chapter in my life. It wasn't sad and since I spent the day training honestly I don't think it has hit me yet, but one thing that did make it sort of real was one student who asked me, "Are you going to visit us sometimes?" The reason I have stuck around is the kids, they tug at my heart.

My fabulous fiancé did stop by and gave me flowers {even after 8 years he still brings me flower for any occasion} for my last Saturday!

Last Saturday! 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Hair Talk: Background & Black Tea Rinse

I have technically been on a hair journey since January 2012. I actually created my first blog in attempt to journal my hair journey. It was a relaxed hair journey. I had been experiencing a lot of breakage and I just wasn't happy with my hair. I was stuck at the shoulder length, but I knew I didn't want to go natural. My mom had gone natural, my cousin and godsister, my bestie Leesh (nickname), but I have THICK, THICK hair. I still recall my childhood years with dry and thick hair, so going natural wasn't an option!

The first step, was to trim my hair! Then I started searching different hair blogs and forums and eventually found my way to YouTube (YT). I came across, which I still check in to from time to time, that has a wealth of knowledge for both natural and relaxed hair. This site lead me to start following Ebony on Longing 4 Length, who I now follow mainly on Instagram, but will check out her YT videos from time to time. So I was really inspired and excited to begin this journey.
January 16, 2012 - one side didn't stay curled smh
January 27, 2012 - Trim/CUT!
I was excited, but overwhelmed because there was so much information. I decided to start stretching my relaxers first it was 8 weeks, than 9 and eventually got to 12 weeks, but that was by mistake. I even switched hair salons and I was trying products left and right. Although, I was learning to retain length I did notice the shedding. At first I thought it was a mind thing as I was reading the blogs about shedding and breakage, but then it increased. It was so bad I sat in my bathroom and cried after a wash once. I talked to my stylist and she encouraged me to drink more water, which I wasn't doing well on and take vitamins. It seem like nothing was working and I felt like my hair was thinning, which really it was that I didn't feel like I had enough strands on my head! So after some conversations with family members I decided to transition natural : O (I know I'm still shocked). I was already 13 weeks post from my last touch up (Feb 22, 2013), so why not. Well now it's damn near October and I haven't given up yet! *insert happy dance*

BUT the shedding is still there. It is not as bad and unfortunately/fortunately is now expected with the transition. I started taking my vitamins, added Biotin (another post for another day) and drinking more water. I had started working out and taking dance classes, so I did loss a little weight too. I think that all attributed to the reduced shedding, but it is still more than I would like. All that to bring me to the black tea rinse! (The whole purpose of this post). 

Sooooo I came across black tea rinses a little bit ago on YT when I was looking for ways to reduce shedding. I came across Tracyee's video. So I said for months I would do it and even bought the tea. Made the tea and the first attempt was a FAIL as I accidentally spilled most of it, completely missing my hair. SMH! Anyways, today I decided to give this rinse a try. The tea that I used was Stash' English Breakfast Black Tea that I got from Publix. 

So after I shampoo'd my hair I sprayed the black tea to my hair, which was already parted in 4 sections plus my bangs. I focused on my roots and massaged it in. I then poured the excess tea on all of my hair, which was now in 3 bun sections. I put a clear shower cap on and let that sit for about 30 minutes. Then I put Motions CPR Protein Reconstructor on each section then let that sit for about 10 - 15 minutes. I rinse it out and applied my Deep Conditioner, which is now in my head as I type. I want to use it consistently with each wash, which right now is every 2 weeks (too much work to wash every week with this transition), so I can see if it really works. I know it won't be a miraculous fix the first attempt, but I look forward to seeing the results. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

I will do better!

That weekend came and went and so did several weeks! I am still excited about the blog. I mean it took weeks to come up with a name and I have several topics, posts and events I want to share and discuss. I am still trying to figure out the best layout, but for the most part I was ready to go at the end of August. Then I got sick and it was all down here from there. I am doing much better now, but school and work have been killer. I am taking two classes one being my capstone class and well my advice to anyone especially in graduate school is never take a second class during your capstone! I repeat NEVER TAKE A SECOND CLASS DURING YOUR CAPSTONE! No matter how bad a$$ you think you are (and I think I'm pretty bad) it's not worth the added stress, pressure.(Too blessed to be stressed!) But I am so excited to be in the home stretch! I think once my schedule lightens up I will be so much better at this blogging! I will do better NOW!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Rough Start

So I was totally excited to start blogging and there is still a lot I need to do to get it where I want it to be. For starters, posting more! Yea, this non-scheduled cold/fever decided to interrupt my schedule this week completely throwing me off my game. I didn't even go to work today and as you get to know me that NEVER happens (as much as I wish it did). I have a final due tomorrow and 2 late assignments that I am going to attempt to work on, but honestly I could just roll over and go back to sleep. It's what I've been doing all day anyways. Will do better by the weekend.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

I finally did it!

I have joined the blogging world! It has been something on my mind seriously for several weeks now. The idea initially came to me as a group blog with my girls, but the timing for that clearly isn't now. I do hope we do it one day because I think we would be awesome at it! Anyways, I guess what really sparked the group blog idea was my recent engagement. Oh yea! {insert happy dance} Plus, my best friend just got an awesome new job, a step up in her career, and my other bestie is in a new relationship while trying to make her mark in this world. 3 fab in our own way, not so recent grads, but still considered young alums, coming together to blog about life transitions and more? How fun does that sound? (Can you tell I can't let it go?)

I figured I would lose the itch to blog once the other 2 weren't as enthusiastic about it, but I didn't, so here I am. I really don't need to add another thing to my plate, school, work, now a wedding, out of state move (hopefully), everyday life, oh and the future hubby (he's a BIG portion of my metaphoric plate), but the Sag in me is like what the heck, go for it! It will be interesting how this all works out, but if you stick around for the long haul this could  be kinda fun...I should probably add corny to my "This is Me" description.