Thursday, September 26, 2013

I will do better!

That weekend came and went and so did several weeks! I am still excited about the blog. I mean it took weeks to come up with a name and I have several topics, posts and events I want to share and discuss. I am still trying to figure out the best layout, but for the most part I was ready to go at the end of August. Then I got sick and it was all down here from there. I am doing much better now, but school and work have been killer. I am taking two classes one being my capstone class and well my advice to anyone especially in graduate school is never take a second class during your capstone! I repeat NEVER TAKE A SECOND CLASS DURING YOUR CAPSTONE! No matter how bad a$$ you think you are (and I think I'm pretty bad) it's not worth the added stress, pressure.(Too blessed to be stressed!) But I am so excited to be in the home stretch! I think once my schedule lightens up I will be so much better at this blogging! I will do better NOW!

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