Friday, September 27, 2013

Hair Talk: Background & Black Tea Rinse

I have technically been on a hair journey since January 2012. I actually created my first blog in attempt to journal my hair journey. It was a relaxed hair journey. I had been experiencing a lot of breakage and I just wasn't happy with my hair. I was stuck at the shoulder length, but I knew I didn't want to go natural. My mom had gone natural, my cousin and godsister, my bestie Leesh (nickname), but I have THICK, THICK hair. I still recall my childhood years with dry and thick hair, so going natural wasn't an option!

The first step, was to trim my hair! Then I started searching different hair blogs and forums and eventually found my way to YouTube (YT). I came across, which I still check in to from time to time, that has a wealth of knowledge for both natural and relaxed hair. This site lead me to start following Ebony on Longing 4 Length, who I now follow mainly on Instagram, but will check out her YT videos from time to time. So I was really inspired and excited to begin this journey.
January 16, 2012 - one side didn't stay curled smh
January 27, 2012 - Trim/CUT!
I was excited, but overwhelmed because there was so much information. I decided to start stretching my relaxers first it was 8 weeks, than 9 and eventually got to 12 weeks, but that was by mistake. I even switched hair salons and I was trying products left and right. Although, I was learning to retain length I did notice the shedding. At first I thought it was a mind thing as I was reading the blogs about shedding and breakage, but then it increased. It was so bad I sat in my bathroom and cried after a wash once. I talked to my stylist and she encouraged me to drink more water, which I wasn't doing well on and take vitamins. It seem like nothing was working and I felt like my hair was thinning, which really it was that I didn't feel like I had enough strands on my head! So after some conversations with family members I decided to transition natural : O (I know I'm still shocked). I was already 13 weeks post from my last touch up (Feb 22, 2013), so why not. Well now it's damn near October and I haven't given up yet! *insert happy dance*

BUT the shedding is still there. It is not as bad and unfortunately/fortunately is now expected with the transition. I started taking my vitamins, added Biotin (another post for another day) and drinking more water. I had started working out and taking dance classes, so I did loss a little weight too. I think that all attributed to the reduced shedding, but it is still more than I would like. All that to bring me to the black tea rinse! (The whole purpose of this post). 

Sooooo I came across black tea rinses a little bit ago on YT when I was looking for ways to reduce shedding. I came across Tracyee's video. So I said for months I would do it and even bought the tea. Made the tea and the first attempt was a FAIL as I accidentally spilled most of it, completely missing my hair. SMH! Anyways, today I decided to give this rinse a try. The tea that I used was Stash' English Breakfast Black Tea that I got from Publix. 

So after I shampoo'd my hair I sprayed the black tea to my hair, which was already parted in 4 sections plus my bangs. I focused on my roots and massaged it in. I then poured the excess tea on all of my hair, which was now in 3 bun sections. I put a clear shower cap on and let that sit for about 30 minutes. Then I put Motions CPR Protein Reconstructor on each section then let that sit for about 10 - 15 minutes. I rinse it out and applied my Deep Conditioner, which is now in my head as I type. I want to use it consistently with each wash, which right now is every 2 weeks (too much work to wash every week with this transition), so I can see if it really works. I know it won't be a miraculous fix the first attempt, but I look forward to seeing the results. 

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